
4X oyunları, strateji oyun türünün bir çeşididir. "4X" tabiri, İngilizce olan 4 kelimeden gelmektedir: "eXplore, eXpand, eXploit ve eXterminate" (Türkçe: Keşfet, Yayıl, Sömür, Yoket).


  • Keşfet: Oyuncular keşif erlerini harita üzerinde gezdirerek, oyunun başlangıcında kapalı(karanlık) olan bölgeleri açarlar.
  • Yayıl: Oyuncular yeni yerleşim alanları oluşturarak veya mevcut yerleşimlerini geliştirerek, yeni bölgeler edinirler.
  • Sömür: Oyuncular kontrol ettikleri bölgelerdeki yer altı ve yer üstü kaynakları toplarlar ve verimi artırmak için bunları kullanırlar.
  • Yoket: Amaç, rakip oyunculara saldırarak onları oyundan elemektir.


Bu tür strateji oyunları 2 ye ayrılırlar: Sıra tabanlı ve gerçek zamanlı. Sıra tabanlı oyunda, bir oyuncu kendi sırası geldiğinde sınırlı bir hareket yaptıktan sonra sırası gelen diğer oyuncunun hareketini bitirmesi bekler.

Gerçek zamanlı oyunda, tüm oyuncular aynı anda oynarlar ve belli bir hareket sınırlaması yoktur.

4X oyunları listesi

Yıl Oyun Geliştirici Ortam Platform Notlar
1977EmpireWalter Bright and othersModernMAINEarly versions had no graphics.
1983Reach for the StarsSSGSci-fiDOS, WIN, APPII, MAC, C64, AMI
1984Strategic ConquestPeter MerrillHistoricalAPPII, MAC
1984Imperium GalactumSSISci-fiAPPII, ATR, C64
1984IncunabulaAvalon HillHistoricalDOSBased on Avalon Hill's board game, Civilization I.
1987Anacreon: Reconstruction 4021Thinking MachineSci-fiDOS
1987Empire: Wargame of the CenturyWalter BrightModernAMI, DOS, STRemake of Empire. Computer Gaming World "Game of the Year" (1988).[1] Gamespy's 49th "Top Game of All Time" (2001).[2]
1987XconqVariousVariousCROSSA strategy game engine hosting multiple fan-made game modules.
1987Strategic Conquest IIPeter MerrillHistoricalAPPII, MACSequel to Strategic Conquest.
1989WarlordsSSGFantasyDOSFirst title in the series.
1990KhalaanChipFantasyAMI, ST, DOS
1990Spaceward Ho!Delta TaoSci-fiWIN , AMI
1991Armada 2525InterstelSci-fiDOS
1991Civilization IMicroProseHistoricalDOS, WIN, MAC, AMI, ST, SNESFirst title in the series.
1992VGA PlanetsTim WissemanSci-fiDOS
1993Empire DeluxeMark Baldwin, Bob RakowskyModernDOS, MAC, WINRemake of Empire.
1993Master of OrionSimtexSci-fiDOS, MACFirst title in the series.
1993Space EmpiresMalfadorSci-fiWINFirst title in the series.
1993Warlords IISSGFantasyDOSSequel to Warlords.
1994ColonizationMicroProseHistoricalAMI, DOS, WIN, MAC
1994Hammer of the GodsHolisticFantasyDOS
1994Master of MagicSimtexFantasyDOS
1995Age of Discovery Email GamesHistoricalPBEM, WINAlternate version of Global Diplomacy with randomized maps.
1995AscendancyThe Logic FactorySci-fiDOS, WIN
1995Heroes of Might and Magic: A Strategic QuestNew WorldFantasyDOS, WIN, MAC, GBCFirst title in the series.
1995ImperiumEmail GamesSci-fiPBEM, WIN
1995Space Empires IIMalfadorSci-fiWINSequel to Space Empires.
1995Stars!Jeff Johnson and Jeff McBrideSci-fiWIN
1996Civilization IIMicroProseHistoricalMAC, PS1, WINSequel to Civilization I.
1996Emperor of the Fading SunsHolisticSci-fiWIN
1996FreecivFreeciv teamHistoricalCROSSCivilization I clone.
1996Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession WarsNew WorldFantasyWIN, MAC, ROS, GBCSequel to Heroes of Might and Magic: A Strategic Quest.
1996Master of Orion II: Battle at AntaresSimtexSci-fiDOS, WIN, MACSequel to Master of Orion.
1997Fragile AllegianceGremlinSci-fiWIN9X, DOS
1997Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Price of LoyaltyNew WorldFantasyWINExpansion to Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession Wars.
1997ImperialismFrog CityHistoricalMAC, WIN
1997Imperium GalacticaDigital RealitySci-fiDOSFirst title in the series.
1997Pax Imperia Eminent DomainHeliotropeSci-fiWIN, MAC
1997Space Empires IIIMalfadorSci-fiWINSequel to Space Empires II.
1997Tone Rebellion, The The Logic FactorySci-fiWIN
1997Warlords III: Reign of HeroesSSGFantasyWINSequel to Warlords II.
1998Lords of Magic: Legends of UrakImpressionsFantasyWIN9XExpansion to Lords of Magic.
1998Lords of MagicImpressionsFantasyWIN9X
1998Star Wars: RebellionCoolhandSci-fiWIN
1998Warlords III: Darklords RisingSSGFantasyWINExpansion to Warlords III: Reign of Heroes.
1999Age of WondersTriumphFantasyWINFirst title in the series.
1999Civilization II: Test of TimeMicroProseHistoricalWINExpansion to Civilization II.
1999Civilization: Call to PowerActivisionHistoricalBEOS, LIN, MAC, WINSpin-off of Civilization.
1999Disciples: Sacred LandsStrategy FirstFantasyWINFirst title in the series.
1999Heroes of Might and Magic III: Armageddon's BladeNew WorldFantasyWIN, MACExpansion to Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia.
1999Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of ErathiaNew WorldFantasyDC, LIN, MAC, WINSequel to Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession Wars.
1999Imperialism II: Age of ExplorationFrog CityHistoricalOSX, WINSequel to Imperialism.
1999Sid Meier's Alien CrossfireFiraxisSci-fiWIN, LIN, MACExpansion to Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri.
1999Sid Meier's Alpha CentauriFiraxisSci-fiWIN, LIN, MAC
1999Star Trek: Birth of the FederationMicroProseSci-fiWIN
2000Call to Power IIActivisionHistoricalWINSequel to Civilization: Call to Power.
2000Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Shadow of DeathNew WorldFantasyWIN, MACExpansion to Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia.
2000Imperium Galactica II: AlliancesDigital RealitySci-fiWINSequel to Imperium Galactica.
2000Shogun: Total WarCreative AssemblyHistoricalWINFirst title in the series.
2000Space Empires IVMalfadorSci-fiWINSequel to Space Empires III.
2001Civilization IIIFiraxisHistoricalWIN, MACSequel to Civilization II.
2001Empire Deluxe Internet EditionKiller BeeModernWINRemake of Empire Deluxe.
2001Empire EarthStainless Steel StudiosHistoricalWINFirst title in the series.
2001Heroes of Might and Magic: Quest for the Dragon Bone StaffNew WorldFantasyPS2Spin-off of the Heroes of Might and Magic series.
2002Age of Wonders 2: The Wizard's ThroneTriumphFantasyWINSequel to Age of Wonders.
2002Civilization III: Play the WorldFiraxisHistoricalWINExpansion to Civilization III.
2002Disciples II: Dark ProphecyStrategy FirstFantasyWINSequel to Disciples: Sacred Lands.
2002Empire Earth: The Art of ConquestMad Doc SoftwareHistoricalWINExpansion to Empire Earth.
2002 Endless Space AMPLITUDE Studios Sci-fi (Space) WIN, MAC Serinin ilk oyunu
2002Haegemonia: Legions of IronDigital RealitySci-fiWIN
2002Heroes of Might and Magic IV: The Gathering StormNew WorldFantasyWINExpansion to Heroes of Might and Magic IV.
2002Heroes of Might and Magic IVNew WorldFantasyWINSequel to Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia.
2002Medieval: Total WarCreative AssemblyHistoricalWINSequel to Shogun: Total War.
2003Age of Wonders: Shadow MagicTriumphFantasyWINSequel to Age of Wonders 2: The Wizard's Throne.
2003Civilization III: ConquestsBreakAway, FiraxisHistoricalWINExpansion to Civilization III.
2003Disciples II: Guardians of the LightStrategy FirstFantasyWINExpansion to Disciples II: Dark Prophecy.
2003Disciples II: Rise of the ElvesStrategy FirstFantasyWINExpansion to Disciples II: Dark Prophecy.
2003Disciples II: Servants of the DarkStrategy FirstFantasyWINExpansion to Disciples II: Dark Prophecy.
2003Galactic CivilizationsStardockSci-fiWINFirst title in the series.
2003Haegemonia: The Solon HeritageDigital RealitySci-fiWINExpansion to Haegemonia: Legions of Iron.
2003Heroes of Might and Magic IV: The Winds of WarNew WorldFantasyWINExpansion to Heroes of Might and Magic IV.
2003Master of Orion IIIQuicksilverSci-fiWIN, OSXSequel to Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares.
2003Medieval: Total War: Viking InvasionCreative AssemblyHistoricalWINExpansion to Medieval: Total War.
2003Space Merchants: ConquerorsMalfadorSci-fiWIN
2003Warlords IV: Heroes of EtheriaInfiniteFantasyWINSequel to Warlords III: Darklords Rising.
2004Anacreon: Imperial Conquest in the Far FutureGeorge MoromisatoSci-fiWINRemake of Anacreon: Reconstruction 4021.
2004Empire Deluxe Enhanced EditionKiller BeeModernWINRemake of Empire Deluxe Internet Edition.
2004Galactic Civilizations: Altarian ProphecyStardockSci-fiWINExpansion to Galactic Civilizations.
2004Rome: Total WarCreative AssemblyHistoricalWINSequel to Medieval: Total War.
2004Strength & HonourMagitechHistoricalWIN
2005Civilization IVFiraxisHistoricalWINNT, MACSequel to Civilization III.
2005Empire Earth IIMad Doc SoftwareHistoricalWINSequel to Empire Earth.
2005Rome: Total War: Barbarian Invasion Creative AssemblyHistoricalWINExpansion to Rome: Total War.
2006C-evoSteffen GerlachHistoricalWINCivilization clone.
2006Civilization IV: WarlordsFiraxisHistoricalWIN, MACExpansion to Civilization IV.
2006Empire Earth II: The Art of SupremacyMad Doc SoftwareHistoricalWINExpansion to Empire Earth II.
2006Galactic Civilizations II: Dread LordsStardockSci-fiWINSequel to Galactic Civilizations.
2006Heroes of Might and Magic V: Hammers of FateNivalFantasyWINExpansion to Heroes of Might and Magic V.
2006Heroes of Might and Magic VNivalFantasyWIN, OSXSequel to Heroes of Might and Magic IV.
2006Medieval II: Total WarCreative AssemblyHistoricalWINSequel to Rome: Total War and Medieval: Total War.
2006Rome: Total War - AlexanderCreative AssemblyHistoricalWINExpansion to Rome: Total War.
2006Space Empires VMalfadorSci-fiWINSequel to Space Empires IV.
2006Sword of the StarsKerberosSci-fiWINNTReal-time.
2006Dominions 3: The AwakeningIllwinter Game DesignFantasyWIN, MAC, LINUXThird game in the Dominions series
2007Sword of the Stars: Born of BloodKerberosSci-fiWINNTReal-time. Expansion to Sword of the Stars.
2007Civilization IV: Beyond the SwordFiraxisHistoricalWINExpansion to Civilization IV.
2007Empire Earth IIIMad Doc SoftwareSci-fiWINSequel to Empire Earth II.
2007Galactic Civilizations II: Dark AvatarStardockSci-fiWINExpansion to Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords.
2007Heroes of Might and Magic V: Tribes of the EastNivalFantasyWINExpansion to Heroes of Might and Magic V.
2007Medieval II: Total War: KingdomsCreative AssemblyHistoricalWINExpansion to Medieval II: Total War.
2008Galactic Civilizations II: Twilight of the ArnorStardockSci-fiWINExpansion to Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords.
2008Sins of a Solar EmpireIronclad GamesSci-fiWINReal-time.
2008Civilization RevolutionFiraxisHistoricalPS3, DS, X360
2008Sins of a Solar Empire: EntrenchmentIronclad GamesSci-fiWINReal-time. Expansion to Sins of a Solar Empire.
2008Sword of the Stars: A Murder of CrowsKerberosSci-fiWINNTReal-time. Expansion to Sword of the Stars.
2009Disciples III: RenaissanceAkellaFantasyWINSequel to Disciples II: Dark Prophecy.
2009Empire: Total WarCreative AssemblyHistoricalWINFifth in the Total War series.
2009Sword of the Stars: Argos Naval YardKerberos ProductionsSci-fiWINNTReal-time. Expansion to Sword of the Stars.
2010Elemental: War of MagicStardockFantasyWIN
2010FreeOrionFreeOrion teamSci-fiLIN, OSX, WINInspired by Master of Orion.
2010Sins of a Solar Empire: DiplomacyIronclad GamesSci-fiWINReal-Time. Sequel to Sins of a Solar Empire.
2010Sid Meier's Civilization VFiraxis GamesSci-fiWIN, OSX, OnLive


  1. "Computer Gaming World's 1988 Game of the Year Awards", Computer Gaming World, s. 54, 1 Ekim 1988
  2. "GameSpy's Top 50 Games of All Time". GameSpy. 1 Temmuz 2001. 26 Temmuz 2010 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 4 Nisan 2009.
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