
"Condemnation", Depeche Mode'in ikinci albümü Songs of Faith and Devotion'tan bir şarkı.

Songs of Faith and Devotion albümünden
Depeche Mode single
Yayımlanma 13 Eylül 1993 (1993-09-13)
Format 7", 12", CD, MC, CD-R
Kaydedilme 1992-1993
Tarz Gospel, Electropop, Alternative rock, Piano rock
Süre 3:22 (single version)
3:28 (album version)
Şirket Mute - Bong 23
Yazar Martin Gore
Yapımcı Depeche Mode, Flood
Depeche Mode single kronolojisi
"Walking in My Shoes"
"In Your Room"


1. David Gahan - lead vocals
2. Martin Gore - backing vocals, sampler
3. Alan Wilder - piano, backing vocals, drums
4. Andrew Fletcher - keyboard, backing vocals

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